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Komiza Walking Tour - Paiz Travel
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Paiz Travel / Komiza Walking Tour

Komiza Walking Tour


per person

Get to know Komiža

Komiža is a small fishing town located at the foot of the Mt. Hum.  It’s interesting history and fishing tradition is that what makes this place so attractive. Our professional guide is here to tell you all these interesting stories and show you the sites.

The tour starts in front of the castle Commune where the story of the tradition of fishery in this town is being told as well as the story of a fishing boat “falkuša”, a symbol of the Croatian maritime heritage. The view of the Bisevo island and a short story about the Blue Cave are also parts of this tour.

Walking further we get to see other interesting sites and listen to many legends, most famous one is the one about Our Lady of the Pirates and the church named after her.

*The price is for the whole group. Maximum number of persons in a group is 20.

For bigger groups please send us an inquiry.

  • Departure
    Town of Komiza
  • Dress Code
  • Include
    Personal Guide
  • Not Included
    Car Transfers
    Entry Fees
    Wine Tasting
    Food Tasting
    Boat Transfers
    Bike Equipment
    Finger Food
    Snorkel Mask