Paiz Travel

In out of season period you can reach us by phone during these times.

Mon - Sun 8.00 - 20.00 in season

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+385 21 712 037

+385 98 263 207

Vis-Hvar-Vis - Paiz Travel
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per person

Fast and inexpensive way to travel between Vis and Hvar

Group transfer by fast boat connects the cities of Hvar and Vis. We create this type of transfers so guests could travel more easily and quickly every day from Vis to Hvar and vice versa.

Transportation is available every day except Tuesday starting from May 1st, 2025

For the guests who wants to come back with us some other day we give a 30% discount on the second ride but we need to be contacted in advance*.  This discount is valid for 7 days from the date of the first ride, so save your ticket!

We reserve the right to cancel the trip due to bad weather or poor occupancy!

Max. capacity: 10 PAX

Min. number of guest for transfer: 5PAX

* Children up to 3 years are free of charge.
** Children from 3-12 years have 30% discount.

***We can only approve  the return trip discount if there’s enough regular tickets sold for that transfer.

Discounts do not add up.

  • Departure Time
    Vis - 7:15 AM, Hvar - 8:00 AM
  • Include
    Boat Transfers
  • Not Included
    Car Transfers
    Personal Guide
    Entry Fees
    Wine Tasting
    Food Tasting
    Bike Equipment
    Finger Food
    Snorkel Mask